Friday 15 February 2019

A bit of hope

A mild few days is encouraging the garden to have a spurt of activity. The parsley is showing new green. The chives are shooting up. The mint is reappearing. In the pots by the garage the daffodils are in bud. (In some parts of Morecambe they are in flower, but we’re always behind.)

Today is yet another bright dry day. It feels positively spring-like. I have to keep reminding myself it’s still only February. More bad weather is probably yet to come.

At last the green bins have been emptied. For a while I’ve been feeling an urge to trim around the lawns but the bins have been so full there’s been nowhere to put the cuttings. The Fox is even contemplating a bit of a mow. The grass seems to have continued to grow most of the winter & is now quite long. Again I have to tell myself this is still far too early to really believe we’ve seen the end of the bad winter weather.

But the brightness of the blue skies does encourage me to feel some hope of better things to come, & lift my spirits. They have been a bit low as I’ve not been sleeping well. My knees seem to have been particularly uncomfortable. When I take my braces off in the evening, they’re bursting into flame, as good as any radiators. My bad sleep is due to the fact I’m in such pain. I’ve not been doing much more than usual. That makes me think that the problem is that my knee braces are no longer up to the job. If I don’t get a new appointment soon I’ll be chasing up that one. And in future, whether I need them or not, I will be applying annually for new ones. This re-referral seems to have meant at least a 6 month delay before getting new ones instead of the usual couple of weeks.

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