Saturday 17 June 2017

Under attack

Our gardener came yesterday. We were shocked to discover most of the Solomon’s seals had been stripped bare. The lush green leaves had clearly been chewed away.

 We soon located the culprits. There was an epidemic of mauve/grey caterpillars with black ends. We checked the other patch of Solomon’s seals. The same, though not so badly decimated so far.

She looked at other nearby plants. No signs of any caterpillars on them. They seem to just devour polygonatums (Solomon’s seals). Neither of us have ever seen caterpillars like these.

Usually the caterpillars found in our gardens are green/yellow or hairy brown. Nonetheless the gardener despatched those on the plants. Since then I’ve checked whenever I’ve been out. And found yet more though the numbers are decreasing.

We’re just hoping we’re not eliminating a whole generation of rare butterflies. However, our plants need help to survive this onslaught so we’re giving it. This is war!

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