Monday 23 March 2015

On the phone

It’s a morning for making phone calls.

My first call was to arrange a company to come & give us a quote on new double glazing & uPVC doors. We visited their showroom last week & were more impressed by this visit than the one down near Blackpool.

They gave us a lot of brochures to look at. One item that caught my eye was that we could have lower, wheelchair suitable, draught excluders with this company. One thing that had worried us at the previous place was the height of the draught excluders. I tend to walk into our home rather than use my wheelchair. However, I am rather prone to trip over anything that sticks up too high. I have tripped over draught excluders before & landed flat on my face on the floor, so I’m particularly pleased to see this feature.

The company also seems to have a far greater range of features & designs so we should be able to find just the styles that we want. The idea of tilt windows appeal in the kitchen as you need to stretch over the sink/dining table to open the windows, which would make top-opening windows difficult.

The second phone call was to arrange a barber’s appointment for the Fox. It’s time his hair had a trim. Mine’s due too, but I’d sooner wait until just before we’re off to France.

The third call was to Social Services to find out what had happened about my new perching stool for the bathroom, & where my vouchers, or rather prepayment card under the new scheme, is for the oncoming year. I’ve heard nothing about either of them for over a month. I’m told the perching stool is now on the “urgent” list. By that I assume we’re waiting for the arrival & the new budget at the beginning of April. I should hear promptly then. As for the respite, they reckon they will be issued on the 
April 1st & not before. I just hope the agency is happy to wait for payment if the new prepayment card hasn’t arrived in time.

Meanwhile I’ve been par-boiling some potatoes for sautéing this evening. I’m also waiting for some puff pastry to thaw out ready to make some Chicken & Pesto Pasties for this evening too. With some broccoli that should make a tasty meal for us tonight.

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