Wednesday 3 October 2012

The day ahead

It's off to the surgery again today. Once more I will have my blood pressure taken to see if it has gone down any since last month. I'm not expecting much change. I'm still anxious about what is causing all this abdomen pain, especially as it continues to worsen & I'm now even having difficulty swallowing food without pain. If nothing else, though, we will both have our flu jabs done - at least that's one medical problem we should avoid for the winter ahead.

After that, we're hoping to get the shopping done. We're just about out of everything, so many of the basics. I've no idea what we'll have today. I contemplated one meal option - no onion. Another thought came to mind - no potatoes. A curry? We had that yesterday. My mind goes blank. It will probably end up being a ready meal or eating out for a change.

We were going to go food shopping yesterday. By the time I'd taken in a delivery of the harvest gift from church, & been told how well I look, I collapsed in agony. I had taken some painkillers just before she'd arrived & they didn't seem to be kicking in very promptly. I ended up spending the afternoon lying down in the hope of a bit of comfort. By the time I felt up to getting up it was time for a mug of tea & then dinner.

The mutton turned out great. I can certainly see why it is mutton, rather than lamb, which is generally preferred, in most Indian-style curries. The meat seems to have more substance to hold on to, & counterbalance the spices, especially if it's a hot curry as this was. We're looking forward to finding something else to do with the other couple of portions I put in the freezer

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