Thursday 4 October 2012

Up and down

I was right. My blood pressure is still too high. The nurse insists I should see the doctor about it, so now I've yet another appointment with the GP. Needless to say that won't be until near the end of the month. I seem to be at the surgery every week at the moment. Too often. Still, by the end of the month, hopefully things will be more organised at the surgery. They're moving site today & tomorrow, so next week it will be to the new, just built, surgery across the road.

Meanwhile today I've got the joy of a nose dive into the freezer. The Fox is having an experimental  cook today. He's getting out his other favoured bit of cooking equipment - the wok. He's going to do a stir fry, using up one of the oldest items in the freezer - some minced pork. Unfortunately I suspect the pork will be at the bottom of the chest freezer hence the nose dive. I'll dig up other items of a similar vintage while I'm at it.

The other day we were talking to the new(ish) landlord at our village pub. It will be his first winter here & he thought he'd make up some Christmas cards with a picture of the pub under snow. The only problem is that he's having difficulty finding any pictures to use. He's asking around, scouring books & archives to no result so far. We  couldn't help pointing out that that is because we rarely have snow here so pictures inevitably are rare. He found this hard to believe as a Yorkshire man from the Pennine area where annually the snow would be above head height. But then we pointed out we are a lot lower here as well as having salt-laden air due to being right on the coast. I'm not sure he quite believed us. He'll find out come the winter proper.

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