Thursday 11 October 2012

In hell

The last day or so have been hell. It started on Tuesday night, when I went to bed. The abdominal pains hit. I spent most of the night awake in agony. No matter what medication I took, my abdomen continued to writhe. I desperately tried to find some position of comfort.

When I got up yesterday, I didn't feel too bad. Tired, yes. Bruised, somewhat. I decided to get the Mean Machine, my electric scooter, out, & venture down to the fish shop. Halfway there the pain began again. I managed to complete the trip & get the monkfish. I returned home, wriggling uncomfortably, unable to sit comfortable to enjoy my usual relaxed trip along the prom.

The pain continued. I tried having a hot mug of tea. No help. I tried having something to eat. Still no good. I managed to get the potatoes peeled to accompany the fish. I then abandoned things & went to bed for another lie down. My abdomen continued to contort in every direction.

Mid-afternoon I got up again. After a brief sit down & watch of a pre-recorded TV programme, time came for dinner. By now I could hardly stand up straight, let alone cook. The Fox kindly took over, roasting the monkfish to perfection along with some fennel. Much as I enjoyed the flavour of the meal I couldn't eat the whole meal. However, I was relieved to find my stomach pains seemed to ease.

So, after dinner, we progressed to a bit more tele-watching. By 9.30 I was ready for bed & the pains began again. They continued throughout the night until about 5ish. I managed to doze a bit.

This morning I got up, feeling not too bad. I thought I would be sensible & have some breakfast, just my usual slice of toast & jam. One mouthful & any appetite disappeared & the abdominal pains began again.

They are on a lesser scale now, but by no means gone. I had arranged with the Fox I would prepare the dinner if I thought I would feel up to cooking it, or at least eating it. Now I'm wondering if it's worth trying to peel the spuds. If I'm feeling uncomfortable now, heaven knows what I will feel like this evening. Certainly if I'm not up to eating more than a mouthful, it doesn't seem worth the effort of doing much cooking. Something quick & simple will be ample.

I see my next appointment with my doctor isn't for a fortnight, as for the hospital it isn't until next month. I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to make an emergency appointment at the surgery to see whichever doctor is on duty in the hope of getting some stronger painkillers. The problem is that it is difficult for them to prescribe anything too strong without a diagnosis in case it makes the situation worse. They may at least be able to get the appointment at the hospital brought forward as a matter of urgency. At the rate things are going I can see me going along to A&E (Accident & Emergency) as I just can't cope with the pain any more. 


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