Friday, 20 July 2012

Yet more

I'm distinctly jittery today. I don't appreciate shocks when I first get up.

Even before I'd had a wash I was on the phone. To NHS Direct.

What prompted this action? A couple of days ago, when I got ready for bed, I noticed a drop of dried blood on my nightdress. I couldn't see any obvious scratches. I just put it down to one of those oddities that happen for no apparent cause. 

This morning I got up. The first thing I noticed was, not one, but half a dozen spots of dried blood on my nightdress. A quick inspection underneath revealed a soft scab on the nipple of one of my breasts, as though I was exuding milk for a baby, only I was exuding blood. This I found worrying. I noticed later, when I put on my bra, there was a little spot of dried blood in there too. Not vast quantities, just spots as I say.

So, before all else, I thought I ought to find out whether it is a matter of concern or not, whether I should make an urgent trip to the surgery. Bleeding like this isn't normal for me.

NHS Direct was very good. They asked various questions. At the end of the day they concluded it didn't sound very serious. However, they thought it would be wise for me to go to see a GP soon, not necessarily today but within a week. NHS Direct also said if I was to start bleeding more heavily, not to hesitate to see a GP immediately.

Needless to say, my next job was to get through to the surgery. I've now got an appointment for next Tuesday. It's not with my regular GP but it is the first available non-emergency appointment. I don't want to worry any longer than I have to.

I'm now wondering if this is going to be yet another medical problem to put on my benefit form. As if I didn't have enough. I've already listed 13! Let's hope it's nothing serious and will disappear as magically as it appeared.

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