Thursday, 5 July 2012

Not the only one

It seems I'm not the only one. 

We bumped into Mr P yesterday. His wife has ME. She's recently received her renewal forms for the changed sickness benefit. Mr P had spent over 3 hours yesterday filling it on her behalf. It seems this form is going to be every bit as bad as I fear it's going to be. 

The Fox has offered to fill it in for me, but ultimately I don't feel I can sign it unless I've at least read it - a hangover from my legal training. What is more, ultimately I am the one most intimately aware of my difficulties so I have to be the one who has to judge the accuracy of the details put down on the form. I am, though, grateful to think the Fox will help me with it.

Meanwhile I've finished my novel & we're off to the library later on. I wonder where the next book will take me.

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