Saturday, 7 July 2012

An anxious time

Once more we seem to be being lucky. Thursday night saw some horrific thunderstorms. The thunder rolled across the skies. Lightning flashed. PD said it looked as though the storm was centred more or less on top of us. Needless to say all this noise & sudden brilliant light was accompanied by a deluge of rain. Within minutes the street was a river. Our bog garden became a bog lake stretching across most of the patio area of the garden. But for all that, the water disappeared almost as quickly as it arrived & none strayed into our home, unlike some unfortunate people. My heart goes out to those people who had only just about cleared the last lot of flooding to be inundated once more. At least this time they did get a bit more warning, a chance to move some of their valuables upstairs out of harm's way.

Today the Fox is off to Kendal. He's thinking of avoiding the centre of town, partly because of the Saturday traffic & partly in case the Kent has once more flooded. It did last time, a couple of weeks ago. 

I was thinking of going with him & maybe have a look around the shops in the Mean Machine, my electric scooter, or go & see a friend who lives there. However, in view of the weather I suspect I will have a quiet day at home, just reading & puzzling, maybe watch a film on the TV or some of the tennis. The Fox is anxious how I will manage on my own for so long - he will be out for about 6 hours. He wanted me to organise someone to come & sit with me. If Angie, the care worker who usually comes & cleans for us, was working I would probably have done so, but she's away for the weekend. The idea of having a stranger coming in didn't appeal. I'm trying to reassure him if I use my electric riser/recliner chair so I can get up easily to go to the loo, keep a phone on me at all times in case I should fall & need to ring for help, I should be OK. I confess I'm beginning to feel a little anxious myself, not helped by the fact the Fox's anxiety seems to be resulting in increasing unresponsiveness in his left leg, which is still affected by his stroke of last year. I'm not going to even try preparing dinner as he won't be home until 7pm or thereabouts & I know by then I won't be up to even re-heating something pre-prepared. Tonight is going to be a takeaway day such as fish & chips, a delivery day, such as Indian or Chinese or a trip to our nearest eatery, probably our village pub, as soon as he gets back. All depends on what we feel like when the time comes. We're both are hoping he can get away quicker than he fears.

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