Thursday, 19 July 2012


I'm once more hoping to get back to the form. I've only a few questions left to go. I'm on to a question about my ability to cope with change. They don't seem to allow a space to write about my inability to cope with lack of change. I accept a certain amount of routine is inevitable, even desirable. However, I confess I get the screaming abdabs when I realise I'm expected to do the same thing the same day, or even worse at the same time of the same day of the week. The very thing that seems to bring comfort & reassurance to some of our friends with mental illness problems is a cause of stress & anxiety for me. Oh dear. I'll get it in somehow.

Once the first draft is complete the Fox will look over it. He'll make sure I'm clear, that I haven't omitted things I should have said.  At the library we got a phone number to try to get someone to help with the form, but first we feel we need to have clarified our thoughts about what exactly my problems are these days.

Meanwhile the sun is trying to get through. Our new next door neighbour has had cause to discover one of the deficiencies of his new property. The previous owner was not a gardener, nor was he a car owner. This being so he covered the soil of the front garden with membrane and then added tons of gravel. When our new neighbours arrived, as there is no off road parking, he decided to use the gravel area as a parking area. With all the rain we've had this summer, the car has been slowly sinking. It got to the stage where the front of the car sunk so much into the  where the flower bed had been that the front was catching on the concrete of the path beyond. He's now having it all concreted over. It looks as though the job will be completed today. He will be relieved.

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