I was just on my way out of the back door, off looking for some wine to have with dinner later in the day, when I suddenly realised we had a large black visitor in the garden. I hastily stepped back inside while I reviewed the visitor. Friend or foe? I decided friend.
I ventured out again. I approached gently talking to the animal. Somehow a black labrador had arrived on the patio area. Bearing in mind our back garden is encircled with fencing, walls or buildings I was somewhat bemused how this animal had arrived on the scene.
I decided the time had come to check the fences. I ventured up the lawn. All fences seemed fine. Then, at the furthest point, I heard an anxious voice calling "Daisy. Daisy". I guessed Daisy must be the young pup I had gained.
I shouted out to this voice the other side of screen of trees. Sure enough Daisy was a black lab. I reassured our neighbour that Daisy was safely in our garden & tried to get over our address.
The lady at the other side clearly was in such a state she wasn't taken in any of what I was saying. I gather escaping was Daisy latest talent. They'd even tied her down.
By this time Daisy had gambolled up. I grabbed her lead, still attached around her neck. She's clearly an intelligent animal, who just wanted some fun & adventure.
When Daisy heard her owner's voice, she jerked out of my hand, through the fence & shrubbery, into the garden on the other side, animal & master reunited once more. I suspect that will be one fence being repaired, one more hole filled in.
Later in the evening, as I watched the news on the TV, I told myself I was lucky I wasn't in the United States. At least, the large black animal was a friendly labrador pup, not a black bear on the loose. Or a tiger or lion!
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