Monday, 15 March 2010

This & that

It's another quiet morning. Just some eggs to boil. We're having a variation on a kipper kedgeree for dinner. Nice & easy.

We're contemplating a trip over to a garden centre this week. The Fox is beginning to itch to have a go at some more veg this year. He's a bit anxious that they will be unattended in May when we are in France.

I can't see that causing too many problems. As far as I can see the main time when plants need a lot of watering & some feeding is through the summer months when we're intending to be away a weekend perhaps, but that will be the most. Al, our gardener, will no doubt be around in May so he can make sure they have a drink then. If he doesn't get round it will be because it's been so wet, in which case the plants will have plenty to drink anyhow.

We rarely go away in the summer months. Too many screaming children, plus inflated prices, deter us. It's also a pity to miss summer here. It's in the winter we really want to get away, for a bit of sunshine & warmth. This often tends to be more of an autumnal break to boost our batteries for the winter ahead, and/or a spring break to look forward to through the long, dark, cold days of winter. Looking forward to our Riviera trip has certainly kept us going this winter.

But first it's London. That trip will soon be upon us. It's dawned upon me the time has come to have my hair cut & smartened up. Hopefully the new hair look will keep for our France trip too. You can tell I'm not very keen on going to the hairdressers, but the old English sheep dog look is beginning to get to to me.

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