Thursday, 11 March 2010

A carpet of flowers

Yet again the ground is frozen solid & white. I venture down to the far end of the garden this morning. The lawn is so hard there's no chance of sinking into its soft bogginess.

Once there, what a sight! In the shade of the great trees is a mass of snowdrops. Last time I made it so far there were only a few, but now there is a whole carpet of these tiny white flowers.

I'm thinking I might transfer a few into the front garden where they are easier to see. I don't often get here to appreciate them. It's too long a walk & the ground is so often waterlogged in between. However, this sight, combined with the brilliant blue sky & sunshine of the day, has lifted my spirits.

I have another quiet morning today. This time I am intending to cook but it is going to be a simple spaghetti carbonara. For that I only need to get some bacon out of the freezer to thaw in time. Everything else has to be done last minute.

So maybe I'll get a bit more tidying done in the garden today as well. I enjoyed getting a little done yesterday.

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