They're backing. Over the winter months, our greenfinches had disappeared - to warmer climes if they had any sense. But this morning they were back. Great flashes of yellowy green as they flew to & from the bird feeders. It's great to see them again.
As I was going down to the fish shop this morning, I thought I'd best go on to the pet shop for some more bird food. The last of the sunflower seeds were already in the feeders. And the flock of greenfinches look set to devour them rapidly.
As I went along the prom in the Mean Machine, my electric scooter, I couldn't help remembering everybody's comments at the Pub yesterday. I think everyone had come in and exclaimed over the sheer beauty of the bay. The water was so still & so blue, the fells crisply defined across the other side, looking almost alpine in their snowy white coats.
This morning the light was different. As I went along, to the left, the water side, a heavy black cloud glowered. Below this was a brilliant icy-looking blue/green strip glowed, followed by the white of the fells. To my left, inland, the sky was totally different. Here it was bright, deep blue with the occasional puffs of white cloud. I wondered which sky would win. By the time I was homeward bound I knew the answer - the sunny side. The heavy black cloud had disappeared & been replaced with an inch-thick layer of white cloud.
It's good to be alive on such a day.
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