Friday 27 March 2020

Phone time

The Hampton pie is made for this evening. I’m using this time of self-isolation as an opportunity to get on top of my freezer list, have a bit of a use up. We seem to have eaten out so often between exhaustion after chemo sessions & then several trips down to Manchester to sort out the arrangements for this op, I seem to have gained rather a backlog of food.

Most of this morning I seem to have been on the phone trying to sort out the Fox’s prescription. He put in his repeat prescription the Wednesday before my op.  When we were home I rang up to see if they would deliver as we are self-isolating. They would but the prescription hadn’t been signed by a doctor yet. I told them that was fine as the Fox doesn’t actually run out of anything until the weekend.

This morning I rang again. The Fox has run out of one lot now. Yes they would be delivering today but there was one item missing. They had no idea why. I should ring the surgery to find out. After a long wait I finally got through to the surgery to be told it was an oversight on their part. They would immediately get it sorted out. Now I’m trying to get back to the chemist to let them know the prescription is on its way & the Fox only has one pill left of that item so it will need to be delivered immediately. However, the phone seems to be permanently engaged.

I can’t blame them. In all honesty, when I spoke to the chemist before, I could hear the chaotic background as so many people are phoning, trying to get deliveries, drop in repeat prescriptions or are just plain anxious about some symptoms. We’ll just have to see what happens.

I’m just relieved my oncology appointment today is going to be done over the phone. At least that’s one, potentially dangerous, less trip to do.

Hope you all keep well.

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