Monday 21 August 2017


I’m beginning to question whether we will make it until our trip to Italy. Of late I seem to have become accident prone – knocking over my glass of wine, tripping off the ramp onto the patio area, putting par-boiled potatoes into the used pan but forgetting to switch the gas off so they cooked for a further two hours in the otherwise empty pan. The Fox meanwhile has broken out into uncontrollable shakes – I had to take over the cooking last night as he just wasn’t safe with a knife in hand. For the last couple of weeks he has been complaining about the increasing deadness in his left leg, the side he had his stroke on.We're trying to reassure ourselves that the shakes are happening on both sides so it is probably not another stroke on its way, but if this continues it may be a doctor, followed possibly by a hospital, visit.

The problem is we don’t know where to go. Most of the more local hotels are either full as it’s high tourist season or they’re dumps. It may be possible next month when the children have gone back to school. We’ll have to see.

On the other hand our diary is quickly filling up with appointments – two bloodletting sessions (one for latex allergy, one pre-chemo) three hospital trips. Even today we’re expecting someone to come & have a look at tour back door. The bottom half of the stable door style is tending to stick. Once the Fox even had to go out of the front door & go round the house to get to the utility room & the freezer.

I’m quite convince our physical problems are more related to the need of a good rest more than anything else. We need a spell of being waited on, a time when we just need to worry about getting down for meals or to sit outside in the sun, half reading, half dozing.

Meanwhile we hold onto the idea of a trip to Italy away from it all.


Malcolm said...

Sorry to hear of your current health woes but, as always, I'll be sending up a few extra arrow prayers and direct some good vibrations & gentle cyber-hugs your way! My OH and I send their love to you both.

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

Many thanks. I'm sure we both appreciate them. Hope you're both doing well. The Vixen