What’s that bit of bright pink peeping over the stone wall of
the raised bed in the garden? I have to
go out to investigate.
It’s a perennial whose name I do not know. It has bell
shaped flowers & silvery foliage. Each flower seems to last just the one
day but numerous flowers open throughout the summer. This is the first bloom of
the season.
Whilst out in the garden I notice the delphiniums - white with a navy
centre - have been flattened with the onslaught of rain & wind of the
weekend. We put in a few canes to support the flower stems.
Later in the day, I am somewhat bemused to see a magpie sat on
one of the lollipops There clearly must have been some insects there from the
way he carefully inspects the greenery, occasionally prodding his beak in.
The garden is a source of constant pleasure as well as of some
worry. There is always something needing doing to it. At present we’re waiting
to put some artificial grass down under the silver birches. The lad, our
gardener’s son, who’s going to lay it, has unfortunately had to have a kidney
operation & so is laid off work while he recovers.
We’ve also been impressed by the resin paths we’ve seen. Our
present path is not very satisfactory. We seem to be permanently weeding it.
When it’s wet, if I sit down on Junior, my stick/stool, I sink into its uneven
depths, even sometimes landing on my backside with a bump. However, I am
tempted to wait until I’ve been to the surgeon at the Breast Clinic, in case I
need further treatment. That has to come first. I can only cope with so much
chaos at one time.