Saturday 21 January 2017

The weekend

Three cheers! It’s the weekend. Oh the joy of getting up & having my breakfast mug of tea without having to put the lights on first.

Weekends are a real celebration for us at the moment. No trip down the motorway to Preston hospital for two whole days. This time it’s even more special. Monday will be the last trip, hopefully for a long time. Even the prospect of going down the motorway to meet up with family or to go to the airport to get to foreign places has little allure when it means going south down the M6 past Preston.

It seems in another couple of months I will be seeing the doctor responsible for my radiography treatment again. I suspect I will be seeing the surgeon at the Breast Clinic before long to be told whether I need any further treatment. I know I will continue to have the bisphosphonates once every six months for the next 3 years to ensure my bones remain strong. The next visit for that is due in May. There will also be regular mammograms to make sure there’s no sign of any further tumour starting to appear.  All this will be at Lancaster once more. At least life should be able to go back to more normal routines. We’re longing to creep back into our comfy rut & just relax a bit.

To celebrate I’ve made a Chicken & Vegetable Pie for dinner tonight. That’s always a treat we look forward to.

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