Sunday 27 December 2015

We've survived

My conscience pricks. Yesterday evening, we sat watching a pre-recorded “Tipping Point” on the TV, when the phone rings - our friends from Harrogate who we visited in the summer.  They’d been trying to read my blog & were getting worried about my silence since Christmas Eve. They feared the worst & that we were under water or sitting in the dark once more & so hadn’t written. However, I’m glad to say we have survived.

The rain came down pretty solidly all over Christmas but we remained with power this time. Some water has come in by the back door, but nowhere near as bad as for so many people in other parts of the north of England. We will be relieved when the new door comes & we no longer have that constant worry at the back of our mind.

This flood is so minor by comparison with that suffered by others. At least this flood is reasonably clean water. There is no stink or mud, just squelch. The biggest problem apart from the damp is that it does seem to encourage slugs to come in.

One day I left the wet rags we’re using to absorb so much of the water, on the kitchen work surface, while I popped out. When I had wrung out the water & re-laid the rags along the bottom of the door, I noticed a slug on the counter. Clearly it must have been hiding in the rags. It had a quick exit. We’re also aware of a silvery trail that keeps emerging from under the fridge – another slug I presume. The Fox sometimes comes into the kitchen in the dark & only puts on the light at the switch by the back door. He’s caught a couple that way. They’re not the sort of creatures we want to share our home with. It’s bad enough sharing our garden with them.

As for my silence, I thought I would have Christmas off the computer. I had not meant to worry any of you. The bright sun shining outside means that today is a bit of a respite but the forecast is bad for later in the week – yet more anxiety. Roll on January 4th & the new door. Let’s hope it solves the problem. Fortunately we don’t live too near a river or the sea for the more horrible flooding, though obviously if the Lune floods again we may be blacked out once more. We are prepared, having re-stocked on candles a few days ago.

Meanwhile we’re getting back to normal. The Fox is cooking fish & chips for dinner today – something nice & simple after the richness of the last few days. Or at least he’s hoping to. He managed to upset his back on Christmas Day & has had to resort to a walking stick & plenty of painkillers. He seems in a worse state than I am. Hopefully it will ease off soon.

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