Wednesday 2 December 2015

A party spoilt

After doing the shopping, & to regain our sanity, we popped along to the golf club. Through the window we could see a bit of a party was going on in the main room. Ladies in tinsel-laden hats were giving out parcels.

Once inside we headed to the small back room, the members only part. From the barmaid we discovered, in the main room, the lady players were giving out the prizes won this year.

We had a drink or two & were joined briefly by an old friend. We discussed the problems of Christmas. We’re all agreed that not having young children takes much of the sparkle of Christmas away.

Just as we were getting ready to go, the barmaid came through, looking shocked & dazed. She duly told her husband, our old friend, what had happened.

In the midst of all the festivities next door, one lady, Helen, another friend of ours, had had a phone call to tell her that her 46 year old daughter had just died. Although we knew from what Helen had told us when last we saw her to speak to that her daughter had terminal cancer & wasn’t expected to live into the new year, & even though Helen had visited her in the hospice just the day before, it still must have been a terrible shock for Helen, especially at such a celebratory event. She left shattered.

Our heart went out to Helen. Long term readers may remember our friend, MK, who died with Motor Neurone disease (MND) a few years ago. Helen is his widow. She’s only really just re-building her life after that loss. Now she has another loos to cope with. I’m intending to give her a ring at the weekend to make sure all is well. In the meantime there is nothing we can do except send her our best wishes & pray for her. Her daughter leaves behind a husband & two teenage boys.

We left the golf club, dazed. Any cheer we had gained lost. Just grateful we still had each other.

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