Monday 21 December 2015

A tiny twinkle

Still the rain comes down. Still the rain comes in. The base of our back door is wreathed in rags, all pretty sodden. The new door has been made but they won’t be coming to install it until Jan 4th, still plenty of time for the water to come in.

Just the sheer greyness of this winter is getting to us. Neither of us is getting into much festive spirit. It isn’t helped by water coming into the house & seeing generators all around the region. Maybe when we put the tree up later this week we will feel happier but I doubt it.

One bright sparkle appeared yesterday. I was sitting in the lounge window, jigging away, when I noticed a small child, aged 4-5 I'd guess, come to the door. Her parents waited in the street with another couple of children. Strange, I thought. Some new neighbours I’d missed from our card list? I didn’t recognised the family.

I made my way to the door to find the little girl still fighting to get the cards in though the letter box. I opened it as the girl started to scuttle away. I shouted out thanks & wished them a merry Christmas. They cheerily returned the message of good will. For a brief moment a twinkle of festive spirit blazed out.

Inside I discovered it was a delivery from the local scouts. In this area, if you want cards delivering within a 10 mile radius or so, you can use scout post rather than the Royal Mail. It’s cheaper & the money goes to support charity. This was one such delivery. Three more cards to put up.

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