Monday 20 April 2015

Paper flowers

I’m busily making two-toned paper flowers. How come?

It was one of our neighbours who introduced us to our new gardener, Carol. By way of thanks I offered to help them out with making these flowers.

Why do they need the flowers? Their daughter is getting married next month. She wants all these flowers for the table decorations. Our neighbour is finding it difficult to fit in time to make so many while doing a full-time job as a medical secretary at the hospital. So I volunteered to help.

The first stage is a load of origami, carefully shaping each petal of the flower. There are six petals per flower. When all the petals are made they have to be glued together to form a flower shape, looking not unlike aquilegia (columbine).

So far I’m finding it takes about an hour to complete one flower. Our neighbour has forty to make. I can quite believe she’s feeling stressed as she tries to get them all done in her few hours of relaxation(?) per day. As for me, I finding it quite enjoyable to have something different to do, sat down, to fill my hours without overdoing it.

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