Wednesday 1 April 2015

An anxious wait

I’m trying to tell myself there’s no need to worry. Unfortunately I’m having difficulty believing that.

Yesterday I went once more to the surgery for a blood pressure (BP) reading. When I went at the beginning of March it had been high, sufficient for them to think I should return within a few weeks. And yesterday it remained high. The nurse tried three times. The results swung up & down. The first result showed the top figure was high though the bottom figure was very good. Second time the top figure had gone down but the bottom figure had shop up. The third effort was the best but even that was still high. She was utterly perplexed & decided to refer me to the doctor.

While we were between BP takings, & in theory relaxing, I thought I might as well check the bloods that had been taken at the previous session. She looked them up. All satisfactory she said. However, I too glanced at the screen. One reading went like this:
          ! Liver function:  some figures          satisfactory
I’m now wondering if this is a sign that my pancreas is playing up again, affecting my liver & blood pressure. That red exclamation mark must be indicating something. It was the only result so highlighted.

Anyhow we went on to do the shop. When I got home, I saw the answerphone was flashing. The nurse had organised an appointment with my GP for next week. Our GP usually requires weeks of waiting to see him, so this is amazingly swift. I’m not entirely reassured by the nurse ringing again this morning, at 8.30am to make sure I’d got the message.

I’m telling myself if it was very bad news I would have been sent to the hospital or at least been sent to see the triage doctor at the surgery. I can see it’s going to be a long wait. Meanwhile I shall have to distract myself with thinking of something else – the garden perhaps, or our French holiday in just a few weeks’ time.

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