And now it’s Scotland’s
turn to disappear under water. Is there no end to it? Certainly not today as it
rains once more. We continue to wring out the wet cloths at our back door. Only
another couple of days now & then the new door will be installed & hopefully
there will be no more need to do that task.
The last few days we seem
to have been inundated with holiday brochures. The curious thing is that
neither of us feel that fussed about sorting out holidays. We feel curiously
contented to stay at home. The itchy feet have stopped itching, for the moment
at least. Our holiday to Austria last summer left us feeling so relaxed that
life isn’t getting us down. We had a momentary blip when all these grey days
began but the excitement of coping with blackouts & floods has been
sufficient to assuage our urge to travel anywhere. We just want to settle to
our normal everyday humdrum life, to be surrounded by friends, to feel safe in
our own home.
I’m not saying the urge won’t
return. We just need something to grab us, as the booked trip to the
Netherlands has. We’re still looking forward to that & maybe that in itself
is part of the reason we’re not inspired to look further at holidays. Until we’ve
had that one, we’re reluctant to book another.
Still all of this will wait
until the new year that comes tonight. 2015 hasn’t been a bad year, better than
some. But now I come to the real point of this blog, & that is to wish you
Happy New Year
May 2016 be good for
you all