Wednesday 4 June 2014

In holiday mood

As we once more bump into friends & acquaintances, we seem to be constantly asked the question “Did you have a good holiday?” We find it difficult to answer the question.

At the moment we are too close to it to assess it. We did meet with a series of problems. The disabled bathroom didn’t have a single grab rail making going to the loo & having a shower a hazardous activity for me. The vehicles for the trips & to get us from the airport were difficult, some impossible for me. The food tended to be monotonous. After the 20th Icy Wind – chocolate sponge base, topped with confectioner’s custard, then whipped cream & chocolate on top – you begin to long for something else for a dessert! The 156 gongs at 5am from the church across the road from the hotel were disturbing.

However, there were good things too. We met a lovely French couple who taught us how to play backgammon. Many of our fellow guests were charming people, including one 91 year old. The weather was good most of the time. Above all we’ve come back feeling so much more relaxed, ready to take on life again with all its problems. We’re appreciating once more our home & surroundings. Ultimately I’m not sure if that isn’t the sign of a good holiday. After all that is the main point of going on a holiday in the first place.

And so yesterday we ventured down to the golf club. Once more we renewed acquaintances with old friends. Once more we enjoyed the views along the greenness of the course & those out across Morecambe Bay to the Lakeland fells. We also enjoyed an excellent, really tasty, bacon butty.

On the way home we stopped at a toy shop & bought ourselves a backgammon set to play before we forget Guy’s instructions.

After that we had a stroll along the Stone Jetty, admiring the artworks along the way – the metal peregrine falcon swooping on the smaller birds, the metal cormorant, wings outstretched to dry its wings, the metal discs inlaid into the flooring depicting the Great Crested Grebe & the Bittern. We loved the fells across the way. & even the seafront of Morecambe seemed handsome. It’s strange, we rarely have such strolls. Somehow one never sees the visitor attractions, no matter how beautiful or interesting they are, that are on your own doorstep. We’re obviously still in holiday mood.

Maybe that will change after we’ve done the food shop today. That will say we’re home in a way nothing else does.

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