Monday 23 June 2014

A trip by the sea

I’m just back from a trip down to the fish shop on the Mean Machine, my mobility scooter.

It was blissful. The sun is shining brightly today. There’s a gentle breeze off the water. A salty tang permeated the air.  The tide was at midpoint, so still. Just at the edges, where the water came more inland, there was the gentle sound of the final wave, more of a ripple, turning itself over as it reached the sand. At one point there was a more splashy sound as a couple of spaniels charged into the water for their ball.

Across the Bay the Lakeland fells stretched bluely. The sense of recession quite pronounced. On the left, beyond the end of the Barrow peninsula, stood the great white windmills of the wind farms in the sea.

As I came back I saw a cluster of people all in fluorescent yellow jackets. As I neared them, I discovered it was a group of adults with their very young charges, just toddlers, on an outing from a nursery. They were loving playing in the sand, just feeling the sand between their toes. A couple of braver ones, hands tightly held by their adults were venturing into the water, sufficient to say they wet their feet. They never got as near as their knee-deep, let along the knees of the adults with them. There was a happy gurgle of pleasure.

All in all it was a pleasing trip. And now I have still to look forward to the cod I bought for a fish stew this evening & the potted shrimps which always a delight.

On the downside I’ve just tried on my new glasses for use when I’m on the computer. I can see even less than I can see without them. That pair will be going back when I go to collect the new air of varifocals. They are due next week. Let’s hope they’re more successful!

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