Wednesday 18 June 2014

A new world awaits

The meatball curry plops. It’s a while since we had anything really spicy – it would have been before we went on holiday, so we’re looking forward to it.

Yesterday we went & had our eyes checked out. I’ve now entered the world of multiple specs. Not only will I have my varifocal pair for everyday wear as now, but I’m gaining a simpler lensed pair for the VDU. He reckoned my vision had improved so I am somewhat bemused to have entered the world of 2 pairs of glasses. At least this second pair I can just leave by the main computer; I can manage the laptop without glasses.

The Fox, too, needs one new frame for everyday seeing & driving & his two pairs of reading glasses need new lenses.

I’m very grateful we’re in a position to have some money behind us now. For many years money was tight & a bill of over £500 would have been a nightmare. It seems so expensive now when you need new glasses. Yet good glasses area essential for your well-being (to avoid headaches from eyestrain or incipient blindness) & safety (especially when driving), not to mention your enjoyment in life (there’s nothing more frustrating than when you can’t see a menu or a road sign) & possible job prospects (if you can’t see a VDU for a job).

Now we await the phone call to go in & collect them when they’re ready. The Fox’s should be prompt enough but mine will take longer with the need for varifocals.

Then I will enter the new world of red glasses & multiple pairs. The assistant was determined I should have more colour in the frames. It will be a new image for me.

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