Monday, 30 June 2014

A red framed world

I’ve entered a red framed world. My new glasses have arrived. We collected them yesterday.

I’m not entirely convinced by them. I thought I was fine as we drove back from Lancaster. The world was a bit soft focus. However, I know when lenses have been weakened before, that has been the case. It’s as though my eyes have grown accustomed to be overstretched & take a little time to relax. I assumed that was the case this time.

Then, in the evening, I put them on to watch the TV. There were words on the screen. I was hard-pushed to read them. Is this just a sign I was overtired, or is this a sign the prescription for the lenses is wrong? I’m not sure.

One thing is certain. They certainly solve the problem of seeing the computer screen. That is a lot sharper with the varifocals on. It does mean my touch-typing is going have to improve as now I can’t see the keyboard very well!

In theory we should be going back to Lancaster today to collect the Fox’s second pair of reading glasses. We’re tempted to wait & see how my eyes settle first. I may yet have to go to complain about this pair of glasses too!

I’ve never had such problems with new glasses before. I will admit I was unsure I would adjust when I first changed to varifocals, but it was never as bad this time.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Looking ahead

After yet another trip into Lancaster, I’m now once more back to one pair of varifocal glasses. I’m still waiting for my new ones to arrive. The Fox is having the lens in his reading glasses weakened. It seems it’s our fault. We keep our computer screen about a metre from where we sit, not the standard 65cm, which they’d assumed.

 We’d never realised there was a standard distance. We just put the screen at what, to us, is a convenient position on the desk we have. We have the screen straight in front of us with space in between the keyboard and screen for any books, paper etc. we may need to consult while on the computer.  How unreasonable of us to keep the screen so far away!

Our next trip to Lancaster should be for my new varifocals & the Fox’s changed reading glasses. That is, if it’s not for my next trip to the hospital for the gastroenterology department. I’m due to have the pancreatitis checked out yet again, but I can’t see that being a problem. However, I’ve not heard when the appointment is yet. I suspect they’ve lost my records yet again. I’ve had to chase after them every other time!

On the good side we’ve sorted out our next holiday. We’re off to France. We’re trying going by train, through the tunnel. We’re having a week in Tours in the Loire region, followed by a few days in Paris. We had originally been hoping to go to Beaune but all the hotels were full, at least as far as disabled rooms were concerned. It must be the best part of 20 years since we last visited Tours. And then we only went with friends for a day trip to the enormous aquarium there. It should be good to explore the town more.

As for Paris, it’s over 40 years since either of us were last there. The man I spoke to to sort out the holiday kept going on about the hotel in the huge skyscraper just behind the Eiffel Tower, & I couldn’t help pointing out, when we were last in Paris, there were no skyscrapers in the centre of Paris. They weren’t allowed.

Paris has certainly changed in those 40 years. Les Halles, the food & flower market has moved out of the centre. The Pompidou Centre exists. There’s a great glass pyramid now outside the Louvre. It should be interesting to see the changes & to see how our perception of the city has changed as we explore it with older eyes.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Into Lancaster yet again

We’re off back to Lancaster yet again. We went in on Tuesday to complain about our new glasses. Not only do I find my glasses for use with the computer so useless that it’s less of a strain for me to see without them than with them, but the Fox has found his new reading glasses are so strong, he can’t read except at a specific distance, & that certainly means he cannot read the computer screen. They’ve decided there must be something wrong with the maths & they will start with a new eye test.

I’ve never had this problem before. Sometimes a change of lens has needed a bit of adjusting to, especially when I changed to varifocals, but I’ve always felt I stood a chance of adjusting to them. This pair I feel if I wear them for any length of time, i.e. more than 5 minutes, I’m going to have a severe headache & my eyes will be popping out on stalks!

With this in mind I’m having a quiet morning. I’ve nothing to do towards dinner as it will be something quick tonight – a microwaveable meal – or else eating out. 

Going into Lancaster can be a chore. It’s not helped at the moment as there are roadworks everywhere. Much of Lancaster shopping centre is being updated. At the same time a new branch of motorway is being built from the M6 motorway through to Heysham port. It’s absolute chaos!