Thursday, 21 November 2013

The plans have arrived

Midmorning the phone goes. It’s the new garden landscaper. He’s just costed the design & wondered if he could come round to discuss the plans.

We eagerly wait until he arrives early afternoon. The plans are a lot more exciting than any we’ve seen so far. They’re not what we envisaged & involve a certain re-think in our ideas. We’re trying to decide whether these alternatives are really an improvement on our ideas & we’re still stuck into the idea of how the garden is now, or is it that our ideas have a positive advantage from our point of view. If it stays dry today, we’re anticipating an afternoon spent in the garden trying to gauge just where what would be & whether the proposals would appeal to us.

After the landscaper left, we hastily went off to buy our chicken for tomorrow & stopped at the golf club on the way back. Both there, and in the evening at home, no matter what we started to talk about our conversation always ended up on the garden.

We have come to some conclusions. Firstly we both like & trust the designer. Secondly these designs are already more advanced than any we saw from the first designer. We feel he’s got to grips with the general idea of what we want. Thirdly we are relieved to say the price is not much more, well within our budget, & yet the design is more inspiring.

For now we’re letting the ideas simmer. After the weekend I’m intending to give Al, our gardener, a ring to see if he would like to see the designs & maybe take note of any of comments. He’s probably more aware than us of the practical gardening considerations. We’re not going to rush the decision but we are beginning to think the work will get done in time for us to appreciate the garden more next summer.

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