Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Tsunami attack

I was just in the midst of having a cup of tea with some cheese to finish off the meal, when the tsunami hit, a great wave of tiredness. I began to wonder if I would even manage to finish the tea before my eyes shut. It may only be 7.30 pm but it was clearly time for bed for me.

It came as a great surprise, when I eventually  managed to prise open my eyes, to see the clock said 9 & yet it was daylight. I had clearly been in bed for over 13 hours. Most of the time I had been asleep. It had taken a while to get off, to make the transition from dopey to asleep. I know I followed the radio programmes until somewhere between 8 & 8.30 pm. I woke briefly to hear "Book at Bedtime" (10.45-11pm) but that was it.

Even at 9am I couldn't say I felt refreshed. In fact I feel just the opposite. My eyes are heavy lidded with a certain amount of gunk which wants to glue them shut. I have managed to do a quick bit of weeding in the front garden. It's green bin day so I thought I'd take advantage of the bin to get rid of some grass that's been irritating me when I've been to gather some thyme for dinner of late. Apart from that I've managed breakfast & now feel ready for sleep again. Fortunately the Fox is cooking today so all I need to do is find some wine & decide when the goose has to come out of the freezer for Saturday's roast.

I'm beginning to conclude yesterday's heaviness was not the result of over-indulgence but rather a letting go, the start of relaxation & exhaustion. I have been missing out on a lot of sleep of late. Clearly it's catch-up time. I don't feel ill just plain exhausted.

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