Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Food matters

After yesterday's dinner, I concluded I would have to revise my meals plans for the days ahead. The hole in my tooth hadn't particularly affected my pleasure in eating the Fox's dinner on Sunday, a salmon kedgeree, but yesterday's meatballs were hard going. The crisp chips & crisp edging of the meatballs & the pancetta in which they were wrapped, was difficult. I then spent the evening trying to get a small piece of minced pork from the meatball out of the cavity. So today the chips are off & I'm making a curry instead. Wednesday's slow roast belly of pork can wait. The last thing I need is crackling when I have a new filling, even if it's a temp.Instead the Fox is going to have a go at a kipper & egg filled jacket potato. Hopefully by then I will be able to eat without worrying about the effect on my mouth.

Meanwhile that other hungry feeder has arrived. Mr Blackbird arrived on the kitchen doorstep. His beady eye turned to me imploringly. So more food was thrown out. I half-expect him to be pecking at the door tomorrow for attention.

We did manage to get out yesterday. The tree is now decorated. But today is the challenge of a last trip to Morrisons, & hopefully to the pet shop for some more wild bird food. Mr Blackbird is clearly eager to be fed & we seem very low on supplies of wild bird food. That will never do. This is not the time to neglect feeding our feathered friends.

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