Saturday, 27 February 2010

Holiday thoughts

My thoughts are all centred on holidays at the moment.

This morning I rang to pay the final instalment on our holiday in France in May. Just the idea of that holiday has kept us going through this rather long, & very cold, winter. Now we just have to await the tickets & then, hopefully, we're off for a couple of weeks in the sun.

My next task is to sort out a hotel in London for our weekend in London. Curiously this is more problematic than sorting out a hotel in Nice. There are just so many hotels to chose from. They're not always clear on their websites about their disabled facilities. To make it worse our knowledge of London is such we have to check just where streets are. We want to stay somewhere near the theatre, preferably within easy walking distance.

Meanwhile my thoughts go to the poor people in Chile with today's news of a massive earthquake there. I feel the world is only just recovering from the devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti. I gather this quake is considerably stronger but fortunately preliminary news suggests it took place in a fairly underpopulated area so, with a bit of luck, the damage & loss of life shouldn't be as great. I certainly pray that is the case.

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