Saturday, 30 January 2021

A surprise

I feel I’ve made a downward step this week. I seem so tired, so achy. I’ve given in to my painkillers & am having regular doses of paracetamol, codeine, liquid morphine, sleeping pills. I seem to need an hour’s afternoon nap to raise any energy for the afternoon & yet I’m still ready for an early night, sometimes, as last night, just because I’m so uncomfortable. In other words I’m beginning to feel right sorry for myself.


Yesterday, when we came home after spending an hour at the surgery getting my dressings redressed, I was surprised to see the post – all addressed to me for once. The first letter was a boring thing about changing bank terms. The second was a questionnaire about how I felt after my recent (last March!) op & how I feel now. My view on the answers is somewhat coloured by my present outcrop of tumours. It’s difficult to feel sexy with inches of dressings on my chest between further small red tumours!


The third, though, was something else. It was a small parcel, all carefully wrapped up. I wasn’t expecting anything. We’d not put in any orders for anything. Inside was a card & a brochure about Chatsworth Hall & gardens. It was from some friends.  I’d mentioned Chatsworth was on my bucket list so they’d bought & sent this booklet as a way of achieving that much of my bucket list in these Covid days.  A great beam spread across my face, the biggest I’d had all week. Needless to say I had to phone to thank them for their thoughtfulness. Such kindness makes you feel loved.


Friday, 29 January 2021

On its way?

We had to rush into Lancaster earlier in the week to collect my new knee braces at the hospital. On the way, as we passed Rylands Park, you could see banks of snowdrops in bud.


Then the other day I popped to a neighbour’s house to see some golden crocuses in flower in their front garden.


Although I’ve seen various bulbs poking their heads out of the soil in our garden, I’ve not been entirely sure what was what. Now I have found definite snowdrops. Meanwhile some heather is giving a splash of colour in the front garden to cheer us up.


 Maybe spring is on its way.


Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Dressed at last

I tackled the surgery again on Monday & duly got an appointment at 9am yesterday, Tuesday, with a practice nurse. I was surprised to have my chest photographed. It’s for their records so they have a record of how it was when their treatment began.


She then got on to tackling my leaks. A small dressing was put on the tumours between my breasts. Another small one was placed on the tumours near my armhole. Then came the problem of Lump.


She didn’t want to put anything actually sticky on the actual tumour as when it was removed the skin underneath would be liable to come off too. In the end she put on the biggest dressing she could find, 20cm x 10cm. She attached some adhesive strips across each end & put some across the bottom. She’s prescribed all these dressings so each time I go to see a nurse I have to take the dressings with me. She also gave me further appointments as I will probably need the dressings changed twice a week.


By the afternoon the tape down one side had come loose. We did our best to re-attach it & add some extra tape. By bedtime it was loose again, so we not only added extra tape but tried some across the top. The problem is as I get tired, or watch the TV, my head tends to nod down onto Lump. (For comfort I usually put a small cushion/pad in between.) The weight of my head pushes down the dressing.


This morning I woke up to having my hand covered in tape & a flapping dressing. Before I started getting dressed, I re-taped everything up. I’m hoping by wearing a round-necked jumper it may give a bit of extra protection. Yesterday I was wearing a V-necked jumper, across the V of which stretched the dressing. One thing, though, the skin side of the dressing is a beautiful yellow brown. Clearly there has been a lot of leakage, more than enough to justify a dressing. Ideally an even bigger dressing is needed to cover over Lump. It is just so big now.


I’m now trying to work out how I should have a shower as the big dressing is not waterproof. For that matter how are Radiotherapy & Oncology going to get to see the tumours through the dressings.


The other thing that struck me as ironic is that if these wounds don’t heal up within 6 weeks then I will be passed onto the districts nurses, the very ones I tried to get in the first place!