Sunday 18 October 2020

More grim news

The other bit of bad news came on Friday.


We went along to the golf club in blissful ignorance to be greeted by a rather disgruntled barmaid who told us that Lancashire, where we live, was being moved to Level 3 Very High as far as Covid restrictions are concerned. This means it is no longer possible to meet friends inside or out of your home, pubs & clubs are only able to serve alcohol if it is accompanied by a “substantial” meal. Needless to say, the barmaid, a single mother, will once more be out of work.


Our friends joined us at the club. Admittedly under the old Level 2 restrictions we weren’t meant to meet friends inside but we did sit at separate tables in household groups.


The gloom spread between us all. The prospect of not seeing family & friends in theory for a couple of weeks but we all suspect the reality will be until next spring, is daunting. We all stayed longer than usual, wishing to stretch out this last chance to see one another.


Personally I find it particularly irksome. My life is being restricted enough by the cancer without these other restrictions. I feel at the moment I need the support of friends & family more than usual as my battle continues. We need the banter of friends to cheer us from time to time. Now it seems we will have to depend on the telephone (which the Fox never really relaxes on) & emails once more.


The group of us also wondered about the fate of so many pubs & clubs. Even before coronavirus so many, particularly in the countryside, were closing due to the economics of the business. How many will survive a second shutdown? Few, I suspect, could justify remaining open if they have to depend purely on diners.


It’s going to be a very different world when, or is it if, we get past the virus & things get back to something resembling normality.


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