Thursday, 13 December 2018


Our house is taking on a new look. It’s positively sparkling. Some new cleaner? No.

This year seems to the year for glitter on cards. As the cards arrive more & more specks of glitter land on the carpets, adding a sparkle. Somehow it spreads into rooms with no cards in them such as our bedroom. Presumably the glitter got on the soles of our shoes/sandals & dropped off as we wander around the house.

We’ve yet to get our Christmas tree & decorations down. They always shed sparkly bits, be they glitter or bits of tinsel.

And, of course, once the tree is up, the lights on it will add sparkle. The lights will welcome us home on dark evenings if we go out. 

We may even get around to lighting the tea light in its Chartres window holder.  On Christmas Day the candle in our table decoration will be lit to make the meal seem a bit more special.

Maybe this glitter is just what I need to feel a bit more festive & less harassed.

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