Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Nearly there

Only one more session to go after today’s trip to the hospital! Three cheers. We’re both so looking forward to it, to not having these constant trips into Lancaster. It’s only 5 miles away but it feels more like 500. It’s certainly taken its toll on our energy levels.

Yesterday the first Christmas cards arrived. All local cards. They’ll all have to wait for us. So far I’ve got as far as locating the cards. I’ve not written a single one – far too tired to cope with that.

The wet greyness of the day doesn’t help. Nor seeing the return of the giant Santa once more at that house which had its inflatable Christmas symbols vandalised. Increasing numbers of houses have their lights & trees up now. Next door it’s suddenly seems to have turned into a disco with its bright multi-coloured vibrating lights. We meanwhile are just too drained to feel up to even thinking about it, let alone making any preparations.

Next week, though, I’m going to have to turn my mind to deciding what to cook - slices of roast turkey warmed up in a creamy mustard cheesy sauce or a gammon joint suitably glazed. We haven’t had a turkey for a couple of years now, but I have a hankering for some once again. And all that lovely leftover meat – turkey quiches, turkey rarebits, turkey croquettes, turkey curries etc. etc. We’ll see. First we’re trying to decide whether to go away for a couple of nights into the lakes just to unwind a bit. It would be more tempting if it was a bit drier & less grey than it is now.

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