Saturday 5 May 2018

Blooming well

The garden is moving onto its next phase. The snowberries are now giving way to a beautiful cream coloured broom. It looks resplendent next to a copper coloured hazel. Copper coloured leaves always seem to have a pinkish tinge when they have recently opened.
The broom in full bloom

On the other side of the garden the apple tree is covered with the red buds of blossom. Some buds are opening out to reveal their pale pink/white centres. If all those flowers set we will be inundated with apples come the autumn. the branches will be bowed down to the ground under the weight of them.

Further up the garden the camellia is covered with pretty pink flowers. While on the other side the dark red buds of the peach/apricot coloured rhododendrons are just starting to open out. In between, the rowans are uncurling their delicate leaf buds.

Further up still the azalea is in bud. And there’s a plant I don’t know the name of, but is low growing & at present covered with delicate white stars of flowers.

Each day new flowers open. There are new discoveries to be found. The troilus (globe flower) in the walled garden is in bud. Any day now their golden spheres will appear to compliment the colourful primulas under the oak trees.

Everywhere there is colour & signs of hope. Summer is i-coming on.

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