Thursday 5 October 2017

Continuing cold

My cold progresses. At least my throat is now less sore, even if the need to blow my nose or cough up phlegm seems constant. Yesterday I even let the Fox go to do the food shopping on his own. There’s no way I could push myself around the supermarket whilst constantly using my arms to blow my nose. Mind you, the Fox hasn’t let me out of the house all week in the hope my cold will go quicker. Or maybe he doesn’t fancy sharing the air in the car with such a germ-ridden Vixen. So far he seems to be still fighting the cold off, enough to cook dinner every day.

Meanwhile I shall start my travels once more. The jigsaw I shall start when I leave here is of Saint Tropez, a place in France we’ve not visited. We had hoped to on that cruise we’d contemplated earlier in the year.

On the whole we’re both glad to be at home. The stress of not knowing whether or not we were going away, whether to pack or not, exhausted us. It’s a relief to know where we are once more, rather than being in limbo land. Even the need for a holiday seems less urgent. We’re glad to be taking life slowly once more.

But first I need to get shot of this cold, preferably before the Fox goes down with it too.  Undoubtedly that is the first order of the day. We can think on after that. Any break may have to wait as I will once more be back to blood-letting & chemo by the end of the month. Winter will have arrived by then.

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