Friday 3 February 2017


It’s lovely to see the spring flowers starting to appear.

On Tuesday we went into Lancaster again. This time we went on the old Morecambe Road rather than the new Bay Gateway by-pass. The wonder of going this way is that you pass Rylands Park. The grass on the side that abuts the road is sprinkled with flowers, so at this time you pass a carpet of white – snowdrops. In parts there is a haze of gold & purple – the crocuses just budding up.

As we went for our massages, just on the outskirts of Lancaster, going up the drive winding through the wood, you can’t help noticing the clumps of snowdrops & hellebores.

Here in Morecambe we’re still a bit behind. I suspect the cold sea breezes slow down the process. Lancaster is more inland, more sheltered. Nonetheless our first snowdrops are starting to open. There are definite patches of soon-to-open golden buds of crocuses. I’ve just ventured into the back garden and yes, the hellebores are in flower.

Spring is really on its way. Three cheers!

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