Saturday 5 November 2016

The Bay Gateway

The new Bay Gateway (the M6 Heysham link road) was finally opened last Monday. By all accounts the road to Lancaster is a lot quieter.

People have been asking for such a road all the time we’ve lived in this area, over 40 years. It’s finally been built & opened. The building has caused several years of absolute chaos but if it achieves what it’s hoped it will, it will have been worth it. Maybe we’ve finally reduced the amount of traffic trying to cross the bridges to & from Lancaster. Most people don’t actually want to visit Lancaster. It’s just they’re really the only bridges across the River Lune between the M6 & Heysham port.

We were surprised yesterday when we left the golf club. Usually the road in front is busy with heavies, but no, there were only cars. But then I suppose if you came from the north you would have got off at Carnforth (another place for a bad snarl up) & gone along the A roads rather than tackle Lancaster.

We’ll really see the difference when we tackle going into Lancaster next week. I’ve got two hospital appointments, both at different times when the traffic has usually been horrendous. Lancaster may once more be a pleasant place to visit, to shop, without that sinking feeling as you thought of the journey in.

At the moment, many people are trying the new road just for the novelty of it. What is more, the schools you usually pass have been closed for half term. By next week all those children, being dropped off & collected by their parents, will be back at school.

Anyhow we’ll find out next week.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Sadly the school run may well add a little counterbalance to the new relief road but, any improvement will be most welcome. Hope the visits go well. Love & prayers are with you, as always!