Wednesday 16 November 2016

Chemo/no chemo?

On Monday we went to see the oncologist about the possibility of chemotherapy. Two lots were offered to me, one of which I think I will accept, the other I won’t.

The lot I’m thinking of accepting is designed to strengthen my bones. As I used to have osteoporosis, & even now have to have calcium tablets to stop my bones getting any weaker, the radiography which I will have will almost certainly cause my bones to thin & I will have osteoporosis once more. The only side effect seems to be a bit of initial pain in the lower jaw bone but that should ease off. Essentially the chemical being offered is the one that makes the difference for treatment for osteoporosis & just extra calcium.

The other chemical combination I’m inclined to refuse.  This is where the real adverse side effects, some long term, are likely to arise. At the end of the day the chemo is only likely to increase my chance of not getting a recurrence of breast cancer by 5% over a 10 year period. It doesn’t seem much when it is likely to make my kidneys & pancreas worse again. It’s also likely to leave me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as I already have fatigue from the arthritis & this will only make that worse.  I’m also likely to have breathing problems (I’ve had pneumonia before now) & anaemia (which I’m also inclined to), be more subject to infections (as it is, my colds last months, even turning into pneumonia once). There are a string of other adverse side effects.

All of these add up to a lot of trauma for what seems a very small advantage. I had quite decided to go ahead with treatment before seeing the oncologist & getting the odds of improvement. I was shocked to hear the probabilities were so low. As the Fox pointed out my odds of being knocked down by a bus in the street are probably higher.

I confess I do feel a certain relief at the idea of shortening the period of post-operative treatment. I’m trying not to let that cloud my judgement but it is there.

Next week I go back to the hospital to tell them my decision. I will then be sent on to radiology & find out what they have to say. In the meanwhile I’ll have a look on-line to see if there is anything there that will make me change my mind.

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