Friday, 15 January 2016

Looking good

It’s a stunning morning today. It’s the sort of winter morning I love, with a bright blue sky, light glistening on the hoar frost that coats everything, diamonds everywhere.

The starlings were back earlier on. This time they were after the cheese rinds I’d put out, as well as the fat balls. As I was in the midst of ironing at the time, I didn’t bother to rush for the camera this time. They would probably have just flown off the moment I’d got the camera to my eye anyhow.

In a pot by the garage the cyclamen bravely continue to flower pinkly. The daffs, snowdrops & crocuses are all emerging form the soil. This year there are some bulbs in the back garden so hopefully there should be a bit more spring colour than last year.

The world is looking good. At least part of my good spirits is undoubtedly the beauty of the world. Later on we are going to the golf club to have a bacon butty & meet up with friends. I’m looking forward to looking across the Bay. Yesterday the Lakeland fells were resplendent in their spanking new thick shiny white coats of snow. They should be fabulous today.

Our colds are finally starting to ease away. We’re not coughing & spluttering as much as we were. Life’s looking good.

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