Tuesday 5 January 2016

A minor miracle

The carpet’s dry. I can’t believe it. The rain is coming down outside. It looks as though it is has been raining of most of the night but the carpet’s still dry. It seems like a minor miracle. I can’t quite believe it.

It seems strange not to hear a squelch beneath your feet as you go to the back door, or not to hear a squeak as wet man-made soles go on to the dry carpet. It seems so long we have been waiting for the new door.

I’m still not entirely confident that the problems solved. It could be a case of it taking a while for the water to build up inside the door before it starts to empty out. After all the old door had been installed the best part of 6 months before we noticed the water coming in. However, I am starting to breathe a little easier.

Meanwhile we’re both coughing & spluttering away. The Fox’s back had been easing up but somehow yesterday he upset it again.   I suppose you can’t hope for all our worries to go in one day!

Life is getting back to normal after the holidays. Linda, our home help, will be coming along to give the place a clean up. Food shopping will once more get done. An order for medication has once more been put in at the surgery – we need our sweeties to keep us going. The tree, with all its magical lights will soon come down. Life is getting back to normal, hoorah!

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