Thursday, 9 July 2015

School uniforms

One of the things that struck me as we went around Chester Zoo was how little school uniforms had changed. The girls seemed to be dressed in similar green & white striped/checked dresses as I had to endure as a child. They seem to be designed to be as unflattering as possible. I don’t think anyone can look good in them. The only good thing is that they are designed to give you plenty of movement & freedom, so you can run around & throw your arms around without worrying about split seams or things being too tight. The odd girl seemed to be in winter uniform, school tie & all.

The boys seem to do better. These days they seem to be universally dressed in trousers or shorts, depending on their age, & polo shirts, no tie.  They looked comfortable at least.

Around here the girls seem to have the option of wearing trousers but none of the girls in the school parties  at the zoo seemed to have that option.

I suppose I have to admit at my secondary school you did have the option of a yellow or blue gingham dress as well as the green version, not that that made you feel any smarter.

I suppose it would be terrible if girls could look attractive so young. I suspect , though, uniforms would be worn with greater care & pride if people didn’t feel quite so ugly in them.

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