Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Muggy heatwave

A heatwave has struck Britain. What I can never understand is how, in this country, heat can become so unpleasant so quick. It isn’t a pleasant heat at all. Yesterday was overcast most of the day. There were no blue skies to cheer the soul. Nonetheless that didn’t stop the temperature rising over 30ºC. It did, however, result in a very muggy airless day.

I love heat. I’m quite happy in the tropics, but the sheer mugginess we have here does get to me. As for the Fox, you just see him wilting before your eyes.

It was also noticeable, come the evening, we were both wriggling around uncomfortably, me with my knees, the Fox with his hip. I’m convinced humidity, whether accompanied by the mugginess of this sort of heat of summer or by the gnawing dampness in the chill of winter, brings out all the aches.

This heat is supposed to be going for the rest of the week, maybe going up a degree or two as time goes on. I’m just hoping for some thunderstorms to release some of the dampness from the air, freshen things up a bit & relieve some of the mugginess.

In the meantime we swelter.

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