Saturday 2 August 2014

The value of jigsaws

As I sorted out the washing this morning I had the radio on, Radio 4. It was Maureen Lipman talking on “Saturday Live”. During the conversation she commented that she enjoyed drawing/ painting as a pastime. She went on to say she regarded it as a form of meditation, an activity in which she could absorb herself so fully that she could escape from her everyday worries & concerns & when she returned to the real world she could look at it with fresh eyes & from a better perspective.

I couldn’t help thinking that is what jigsaws are for me. I know they have no vital import. It isn’t essential they are completed. But while I am doing them, I am in a world in which shape & order can be put - not always so in real life – a world in which time passes quickly as I am so absorbed, another world in which I can maybe gain some understanding, some better perspective, of the real world in which I live the rest of the time.

And I can't help feeling glad I've had the jigsaws these last few weeks of chaos, noise & disturbance. They've helped me keep my sanity!

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