Thursday 10 January 2013

A grey curtain

The mist swirled round all day yesterday. Sometimes you could see a distance; other times everything hid behind a greyish curtain of dampness.

In the afternoon we did our weekly visit to the supermarket to top up the food stores. Afterwards we went along to Snatchems for a drink and a relax before heading home for dinner.

Yesterday, most of the time, you couldn’t see across the River Lune to the far bank. Just occasionally it stood out, rearing from the limpid waters.

As the afternoon went on, lights started to appear in the grey curtain. We knew it was time to make our way home.

As we went along the road we were struck by a couple of things. Firstly how light it still was. When we had come this way before Christmas, by this time it was pitch black – there’s no street lights along this country lane. Now we had the lights on the car more to be seen than to see.

The other thing was the sheer beauty of the ever changing landscape. As the mist swirled around the world kept changing.
At times the skeletal shape of trees stood out all the darker & more defined by the pale curtain behind that covered over any other distracting features.

It’s almost disappointing to discover today the mist has gone away. Once more we’re back to grey and bland. The light is flat. There’s just a hint of blueness in the sky so maybe it will brighten up as the day goes on. At least it’s staying dry for which I am truly thankful.

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