Wednesday, 5 December 2012


I confess to being very puzzled. I’ve just rung the surgery to find out the results of my blood tests. All normal. Does this mean I’m miraculously cured? I can’t believe that when the blood was taken just a couple of days after a very worried specialist at the hospital reckoned I was suffering from severe pancreatitis.  Maybe it’s just as well that I’m due to go back to see that man early in the new year.

My next job is to ring back to that charity that helped me with my application for my benefit. The letter confirming my success has arrived.
Neither the Fox nor I can make much sense of it. If the Department of Works & Pensions (DWP) hadn’t phoned me last week I’m not even sure I would have realised I had got it! As it is I can’t work out whether or not I’ve got to take some action as a result.

The problem is that the DWP clearly seems to send the same standard letter whether you have been awarded the benefit or not, whether you are a new applicant or are renewing an existing benefit. The letter tries to cover all situations with the result it covers none. I’m hoping the charity can explain a few things.

By way of relief, I’m off to Rio de Janeiro with my jigsaw. That’s the sort of puzzle I’m happy to get lost in, & avoid the confusions of life.

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