Wednesday 7 November 2012


I seem to be at a low ebb today. Any sense of energy, of drive, have disappeared. I suspect it’s the effect of knowing this medical is looming. I was reluctant to get up but I told myself to get moving. Hopefully that charity will be ringing back today.

 I’m still waiting. I did ring again this morning but the man dealing with my case was out of the office. I’ve left another message, this time with a real person rather than a machine, so hopefully he will get it. I’ll not guarantee it. She did sound like one of those dippy receptionists who don’t always do what they say they will, especially if something happens to distract them.  I sit here with the phone in front of me in hope.

It says something that just knowing I’ve got this medical ahead of me is having this effect on me. By next week I’ll be a gibbering wreck if I don’t look out. How I would cope with the pressure of work is beyond me.

I’m telling myself it’s just the weather. Yesterday was very grey & today’s no better. Rain doesn’t look far away. Even now, at 11am, I’m half contemplating switching the lights on. It’s just so dark & gloomy – a bit like me really.


Malcolm said...

thoughts, prayers and gentle hugs are heading your way. Here's hoping the charity can provide a witness for the interview!

Malcolm said...

sometimes I think that only a robot could decipher the captcha's, (to prove you're not a robot). Took me at least three attempts for the previous comment!