Monday 12 November 2012

The Danger Zone

It hits when you venture into the kitchen. Last night, after I went to bed, the Fox decided to get out Big Ears, the slow cooker, & make the dinner, a Lamb Madras. When I woke up & ventured to the loo in the night I was aware of the aromas, but they were not as bad as sometimes when he’s cooked during the night. They were not so bad as to disturb my sleep. But this morning…. That‘s a different matter.

The curry may be just sitting there, cooling down, letting all the flavours meld together, ready to warm up, but the spicy aromas pervade every inch of the room. My stomach instantly leaps in anticipation. However, we won’t be eating until this evening. It’s agony, an exquisite agony.

This afternoon we’ll be out. We’ve got into the unfortunate position of only having half a dozen tea bags in the house. That will never do, especially when we don’t think we’ll be able to go shopping tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be taken up with this medical. When I next write the ordeal will be over & I will move on to the next stage, awaiting the results. Although the event itself is due early in the morning, it doesn’t alter the fact I suspect by the time it’s done & we’ve talked over how we think it went, I will probably be so drained a nap will be in order. As for food, I’m working on the theory we will either eat out or it’s a ready meal from the freezer.

I’ve just got to the stage of thinking “Just hope all goes well” & with that I’ve crossed all my fingers & toes that it does in fact go well.

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